Advice for developers/renovators




Advies vir ontwikkelaars/opknappers





Preamble to the Heritage Act: (Download)


Our heritage celebrates our achievements and contributes to redressing past inequities. It educates, it deepens our understanding of society and encourages us to empathise with the experience of others. It facilitates healing and material and symbolic restitution and it promotes new and previously neglected research into our rich oral traditions and customs.


Section 34 (1) of the National Heritage Resources Act, 1999:


No person may alter or demolish any structure or part of a structure which is older than 60 years without a permit issued by the relevant provincial heritage resources authority.

Niemand mag enige struktuur of deel van enige struktuur wat ouer as 60 jaar is, verander of sloop sonder ’n permit deur die betrokke provinsiale erfenishulpbronowerheid uitgereik nie.


Section 51 (1) of the National Heritage Resources Act, 1999:


Notwithstanding the provisions of any other law, any person who contravenes –
(c) Section 34 (1) is guilty of an offence and liable to a fine or imprisonment or both.

Ontdanks die bepalings van enige ander wet is enige persoon wat –
(c) Artikel 34 (1) oortree, skuldig aan ’n misdryf en strafbaar met ’n boete of gevangenisstraf of beide.




Development Guidelines
















For development guidelines DHS refers users to the excellent publication of Ian Pretorius from the Stellenbosch Heritage Foundation.  To download:   press here..


DHS fully acknowledge the SHF contribution and are an associate member of Heritage SA ( Old Simon van Der Stel Foundation)




Vir ontwikkelingsriglyne verwys DHS ons gebruikers graag na die uitstekende artikel van Ian Pretorius van die Stellenbosch Erfenis-Stigting. Om af te laai : druk hier.


DEV erken ten volle SES se bydraes en is ook 'n geassosieerde lid van Erfenis SA ( Die ou Simon Van Der Stel Stigting)











How to Proceed




Hoe om Voort te gaan



For any alterations to a structure older than 60 years contact the DHS. We will deal with your enquiry, and if necessary, refer you to the relevant provincial authority.


Kontak die DEV vir enige veranderinge in strukture ouer as 60 jaar. Ons  sal jou versoek hanteer en indien nodig verwys na die gepaste provinsiale agentskap.



Heritage SA

National Head Office

tel: 021 8726092

fax: 021 872 0174
PO Box 2646, Paarl, 7620
E-mail: or



tel: 021 6624502

fax: 021-462 4509


DHS/DEV Contacts